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Features and Types of Exhibition Stands

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Participating in thematic exhibitions helps achieve multiple goals: showcasing products or services, attracting attention to the brand, and receiving feedback from the target audience. The ultimate success of the event, whether it’s a vibrant presentation or a few incidental sales, largely depends on the stand’s placement in the hall and its functional design.

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Types of Constructions

Linear Exhibition Stand

A linear stand is a compact structure with an open front side, installed in a standard row. It is an economical option, ideal for private negotiations or displaying a small number of products. Depending on the overall concept and available space, linear stands can be narrow and deep or have a wide open front. The three-sided closed layout reduces the risk of product theft.

типы выставочных стендов

Through Stand or Pocket Stand

A through stand is a variety of linear stand but differs by having two parallel open sides. Such a setup attracts visitors’ attention, encouraging them to step in, and offering more opportunities for stand design and product placement.

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Corner Exhibition Stand

A corner stand, located at the end of a linear row, has two open sides and operates along two aisles. It is a practical solution for small companies. The size of the corner stand corresponds to a linear spot, making it easy to design and suitable for product presentations or negotiations.

Peninsula Stand

A peninsula stand is a three-sided open structure located at the end of a row. It combines two standard corner spots and serves three visitor flows simultaneously. This type of stand is suitable for showcasing large items such as cars, agricultural machinery, furniture, and other oversized products. It provides an excellent view of the exhibits from all angles and offers ample space for visitors to access the products freely.

Linear Exhibition Stand

Island Exhibition Stand

An island stand is open on all sides. The professionally designed island stands attract a wide audience and are indispensable for displaying large-scale products. They offer maximum marketing opportunities and are typically located in prominent positions within exhibition centers.

Konsis Group offers comprehensive services, from design project preparation and production to installation and warranty maintenance of exhibition equipment.