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City Build team building by Konsis Group

City Build is an exciting activity during which participants will feel like real city planners. Each team creates its own sector of the city model, which is then combined into a single drawing. As they work, each team creates different zones such as industrial, residential, recreational and business areas, as well as zones connecting infrastructure such as roads, railways, and canals.
City Build timbildinqi biznes oyundur
An important element of this activity is interaction between teams. To connect the transport routes of neighboring sectors and the city as a whole in a coherent and logical manner, teams must have a detailed work plan and cooperate with each other. Each team uses all their materials and creativity to create a functional and beautiful dream city. At the end of the allotted time, the teams gather their sectors together to celebrate the success of their work towards a common goal. City Build is a fun way to develop teamwork, team spirit, cooperation, planning skills and creative thinking.
Тимбилдинг Городская стройка от Konsis Group

Results of the City Build game

The outcome of an urban construction project depends on the team’s ability to develop a shared vision and strategy, as well as how effectively they use their creativity and project management skills. Each district of the city must be logically connected with other districts, and this is only possible with effective interaction and cooperation of the team. Creativity helps make a city functional, practical and attractive. Resource and time management are also key to successfully completing a project on time. City Build is a fun and challenging game where everyone involved is engaged, interacts well with each other, and works as a group to achieve a common goal.
City Build team building by Konsis Group

Business team building game

City Build team building is a unique business game that will help your company develop team spirit and increase the level of communication between employees. The game involves designing and building a city with a shared infrastructure and ecosystem. The city of the future that you and your colleagues are building reflects the challenges your team faces in their daily work. This helps participants understand the importance of teamwork and collaborative problem solving. The City Build program is ideal for corporate parties, winter team building and excursions. It will help your company develop and reach new heights. Do not miss the opportunity to have an educational time and improve teamwork in your company!