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The Big Picture team building event

Team building is an important tool for increasing the productivity and efficiency of the team. These games are very useful for strengthening team spirit.

Why choose us for your team building events?

To hold an event at the highest level, it is necessary to carefully consider the event program and organize its implementation.
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Our team of professional organizers is here to help you with this. We provide services for organizing team building of any complexity and scale. We take into account the characteristics of your company, the needs and interests of employees, to create an event that will be not only useful, but also interesting for all participants.
The Big Picture timbildinq oyununun məqsədi komanda ruhunu gücləndirmək və komandada işləmək bacarıqlarını inkişaf etdirməkdir

We offer a unique team-building program: The Big Picture

In this project, participants are divided into teams and work together to paint a large picture. This task requires individual responsibility and team interaction from each participant, which contributes to the development of team spirit and improved communication between employees. The Big Picturez is not only a fun time, but also an opportunity to develop your creative and analytical skills and get to know your colleagues better. Konsis Group guarantees that this team-building program will help your team become more efficient and successful.
Team building is an important tool for increasing the productivity and efficiency of the team

Purpose of  The Big Picture

The purpose of The Big Picture game is to strengthen team spirit and develop teamwork skills. Participants are divided into several groups and given the task of painting a big picture together, using brushes, paints, drawn diagrams and a blank sheet of paper. When conducting the exercise, it is important to give each participant an opportunity to speak and contribute to the common goal. The success of the team depends on the participants` ability to coordinate their actions and achieve a common goal.
The Big Picture team building event

Result of The Big Picture

The Big Picture is a unique project that helps people develop teamwork and communication skills. Creating a work of art not only develops the creativity of the participants, but also allows them understand their colleagues and their approaches to work. The result of such team building game is not only a finished work of art, but also strengthening connections within the team, increasing motivation and work efficiency. Furthermore, The Big Picture provides a unique opportunity to take a necessary step back from everyday tasks and look at the company’s overall performance.
Тимбилдинг - это важный инструмент для повышения продуктивности и эффективности работы коллектива

Konsis Group offers branding of The Big Picture team building

Konsis Group offers branding for your team building. One way to create a unique team identity is by using a logo or other branding elements at the event. Before your event, our graphic designers will work with you to create an image that reflects your company’s goals, values, mission, and vision. Ambitious game with a grand and exciting ending is a great celebration of truly shared values for the entire company and staff.
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