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Poster design

Creative Services

Poster design

All the events have some sort of presentations. This is one of the elements of the events where most people think the easiest part, but in fact the most mistakes are made in preparing presentations for the event. Here are some mistakes made during presentation design: Presentations are prepared mostly by the presenter themselves and given to the event technical team during the rehearsal stage, which is very late. Sometimes the presentation format doesn’t match the event main screen or side monitor size or layout, therefore last minute editings are made to presentations. Presentations include a lot of text written in small font, but the led monitor has a big pixel pitch, making it difficult to read on the screen. Presentation file is very heavy in size, making it difficult to open in regular laptops. Konsis can help you design technically and visually correct presentations. If your presentation is ready we can retouch the visual elements of your presentation. We can also adapt your presentation to technical parameters of the main video screen of the event.
Why you should choose us? You are safe with us

Konsis Group is the leading event supplier agency in Azerbaijan, with 16 years of audio visual equipment rental experience. By working with Konsis, you will be able to source all your event requirements from one company. We have audio, lighting, video equipment, including various pixel pitch led screens, multimedia server Dataton Watchout, stage systems. Woodworking and paint jobs are done in own production workshops. Experienced personnel including project managers and AV technicians.

Your next event in Baku is safe with us. We guarantee best personnel, best technical equipment, best experience in Baku for you and your participants. We will try our best to match your technical requirements and even when we do not have a specific item, we will outsource it for you for the best price available in the market. You must be assured that you will have best value for your money by working with us. We are humans and we also have limits but our limits are still broader than any other agency in Azerbaijan.

Who are we?

✅ Internal Units company: 14+
✅ Team members: 70+
✅ Completed Works: 1000+
✅ Client’s Feedback: 100+

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