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Equipment selection

Sərgi stendlərinin xüsusiyyətləri və növləri

Features and Types of Exhibition Stands

Participating in thematic exhibitions helps achieve multiple goals: showcasing products or services, attracting attention to the brand, and receiving feedback from the target audience. The ultimate success of the event, whether it’s a vibrant presentation or a few incidental sales, largely depends on the stand’s placement in the hall and…
Sərgi konstruksiyaları - Exhibition Constructions - Выставочные конструкции

Exhibition Constructions: Innovative Solutions for Successful Events

Since 2006, Konsis Group has been a leader in the design and setup of conference rooms, exhibition halls, offices, and production facilities, thanks to our high-quality service and innovative approaches. Our mission is to develop the most modern exhibition stands and environmentally friendly solutions. We are committed to sustainable development…
Sensorlu məlumat köşklərinin icarəsi

Rent of Touch Screen Information Kiosks

The introduction of Touch Screen Information Kiosks makes it possible not only to present content but also to interact with customers. Registration of visitors, conducting surveys and lotteries, selling tickets, as well as introducing goods and services are all available through such kiosks, which makes communication with the audience more…
İdeal işıqlandırma avadanlıqlarının icarəsi və quraşdırılması

Exquisite Lighting: Equipment Rental

Each project requires its own lighting to bring a unique atmosphere and convey emotions to the audience. Choosing the right lighting equipment plays a key role in creating visual images. Renting a variety of lighting solutions provides many opportunities for creativity and allows you to tailor the lighting to the…
Ad günləri, Yubileylər və Baby Showerlərin bəzədilməsi və təşkili

Decoration of Birthdays, Anniversaries and Baby Showers

Our company is a leading provider of services for creating unforgettable experiences in the design of Birthdays and Anniversaries. Over the years, the company has strived to make holidays and the organization of memorable moments an art. The secret of Konsis Group’s success is an individual approach to each client.…
ISO standartlarına uyğun tərcüməçi kabinələrinin icarəsi

Rent of ISO standard interpreter booths

Konsis Group, a leading company in the field of providing professional solutions for business events, presents rental of interpreter booths that meet international ISO standards. Modern businesses require instant access to professional translation services, especially in the field of international conferences, symposiums and business meetings. This is where it is…
LED ekranlar - Светодиодные экраны - Led screens

Rental of led screens and their assortments

Led screens have become an indispensable tool for events, advertising, concerts and presentations due to their brightness, flexibility and ability to create high-quality video content. When choosing a screen to rent, it is important to consider the specific needs of the event, the venue, and the visual goals. No matter…
Tədbirlər üçün tribunalar - Трибуны Для Мероприятий

Lecterns for Events

Organizing events, conferences and sporting competitions requires not only space, but also the right equipment to ensure comfort and convenience for participants. Providing quality lecterns becomes an integral part of creating the right atmosphere, and by renting them, you can meet the needs of your event at the highest level.…
Konsis Group-dan fırlanan və qaldırıcı stendlər

Rotating and lifting stands from Konsis Group

Have you ever dreamed of adding a touch of magic to your events or performances? Look no further than Konsis Group Company, the experts in fabrication and installation of rotating and lifting stands. Whether you need a rotating stand for an event performance or brand production, as well as a…
Sinxron tərcümə avadanlığının icarəsi - Simultaneous Interpretation services

Rental of equipment for Simultaneous Interpretation

Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) is a special type of translation in which the interpreter translates the speech into another language immediately after the original text has been spoken. This type of translation is used at international conferences, meetings, and other events. Simultaneous Interpretation services Konsis Group offers a wide range of…
Tədbirlərinizdə üçün Fotokabinə icarəsi - Аренда Фотобудки на ваши мероприятия

Rent of the Photo Booth for your events

Photo Booth is a unique way to remember the bright moments of any celebration or event. After all, thanks to it, your guests will be able to take not only ordinary photographs, but also create unusual and memorable pictures together with their friends and loved ones. We are pleased to…
Video spinner - 360 Selfie ilə möhtəşəm

Video spinner – 360 Selfie

Interactive entertainment 360 Selfie at Konsis Group Have you ever felt like in the center of attention, in the center of crowd’s attention, which is illuminated by bright lights? Order interactive entertainment from Konsis Group – a 360 Selfie camera and let your guests of the event feel exactly like…
Taiden’s 5th generation digital infrared simultaneous 3

Taiden’s 5th generation digital infrared simultaneous interpretation system now in Azerbaijan

Digital infrared simultaneous interpretation system We are pleased to announce that Taiden’s highly advanced 5th generation digital infrared simultaneous interpretation system will be available in Konsis Group in Baku, Azerbaijan. This cutting-edge technology revolutionizes the way multilingual conferences and events are conducted by providing seamless and accurate real-time interpretation services.…
Rəqəmsal Davos masaları 2

Digital Davos set for conferences

The digital format of the Davos tables transforms the look of the stage. The stage when using such tables always looks brighter, regardless of which conference room it is installed in. In this innovative version of the tables, it becomes possible to control the contents of the screen. In conventional…
Rəqəmsal Davos masaları

4 factors influencing the success of your event

Does it happen that you receive a beautiful invitation from the organizers of a very relevant event in a fashionable hotel, come to the event with enthusiasm, but leave it with a feeling of wasted time and disappointment between expectation and reality? The reason for this can be both a…